Friday, April 10, 2015

The Best of Me...and The Best of Me

So for lent I decided to give up romance novels, and last week was Easter so I was able to go back to them. I decided not to. I was able to think and realise why I read them and why they became so important in my life.


For one, they were a great way to pass time. If I was sitting around and wanted to read something that didn’t require too much brain power, I would read a romance novel. Most are simply written and rarely do I read one that I end up perplexed and have to go back and re-read passages.


And as a single woman they were a way to fulfill a fantasy. I’m not shy; I’ll admit it. I would read those books and picture myself with a man like that and if I’d be happy with him. Some men were too alpha for me, some were too weak, some just too perfect and others too flawed. There were a few that I thought I could see myself with and found myself looking for that man instead of looking at the men in my life. I would put those characters on a pedestal and forget they were fiction. It was dangerous and I didn’t realise I was doing it until I stopped reading the books.


As for how the removal helped my relationship, it didn’t. But that’s okay. The end of any relationship sucks and hurts but if I didn’t learn anything from it, it would be for naught. And I learned that men in real life are soooo different than book characters and if I had the choice I’d pick real men every time. I learned that men aren’t as cognizant about things as I am, but that doesn’t mean they care any less. It just means they think differently.


I also learned that I am not ready for a relationship. At least right now. And not because I don’t want one, but because it’s not time. When it’s time, it will be because God says so, not because I do. I wish I figured this out before I got hurt, but that’s more my fault than anything.

I take this back. I AM ready, but it wasn't the right time with the right person. Someday it will be, and that's because God will say so, not me.


I am incredibly thankful for this experience, and grateful I am able to continue my life without romance novels. Oh I’m sure I’ll read one here and there, but for now I’ll just focus on other things.


Thank you for reading my life journeys. I can’t do this without you. Any of you.

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